July 21, 2006

Why the U.S. would want to invade/occupy

It's 4:55 a.m. My bag is at the door. I'm completely ready. Everyone else is asleep. I can hear everything in the lobby. I slept for 4 hours. Yes, theoretically, slee-drprivation has to settle in. But adrenaline does a lot. And remember I'm Jane. The healhtiest person yuo've met. I don't poision my body, not even with cafffeine. (Except for sugar--yesterday I had a small piece of Nutella crepe, but otherwise I was good.) I got fat in Lebanon, but I'm still in great physical shape. Don't wrorry about me. But my hands are shaking. My typing is slower.

The World Cup just ended. Those powere thta be (look up Illuminati and Masons) who control the world and mulit-nationals need to make sure yuo are always stuck to your TV. Advertsiing makes you feel bad about yourself. It says, YOu need to buy X to feel happy. Statistiscally, people who watch more TV and sadder. Marilyn Manson explains this well in Bowling for Colombine. (Can someone please make sure Michael Moore is reading this blog??) So those powers (and Michael Moore will have a better idea of WHO those people are) are making money the more you watch TV.

World Cup is over. Now it's the War. It's all a show. Like the local news. "Something in your house could kill you. Tune in tonight at 5." Same thing. Hizbollah with Iran (who's been making scary weapons, right) are trying to kill you.

OTHER NOTE. I asked my buddy in Aley last month. "You know, things in Israel are getting really bad. They're just massacring families on the beach in Gaza. I know things are always bad in GAza, but I decided not to work in the Palestinian REfugee Camp because of how crazy Israel was being lately. How come no one is talking about it?? All people talk about it the World Cup." Ma3 meen?? Ma3 meen? (Who are you with?) is the only conversation.

Israel timed their massacre in Gaza to coincide with the World Cup so that no one, especially, ARABS, would be paying attention. REgular Lebanese were completely caught off guard.

Why would the U.S. want to occupy?? Of course, it will be a fucked up military operation where many inncoent American "heros" will die. These Americans are completely expendable to the U.S. govt. Becaues again it's not the U.S. govt that runs everything, it's the people who make money off defense contracts. (MIchael Moore will know exactly who. Blame him for all the blood shed.) All your tax dollars that are going to guns and not butter are ggoing to these fat cats' wallets.


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