July 25, 2006

An E-mail from Iman, a native Beiruti in Beirut

In this e-mail, she gave me permission to post her e-mail. So you can e-mail her with encouragement--that the world cares and is watching. And I told her to be prepared for the potentially crazy people who could e-mail her.

Some stuff she says:

--"If we look to the faces in Beirut you can read clearly their feelings."

--"Besides People who were against Hizbollah in Lebanon or see politics in
different way now they are united with Hizbollah 100% everybody is
convinced that the aim isn't these 2 Israeli Soldiers."

I just got off the phone with her. She said last night was better. They could sleep in Beirut, and that people seemed more positive. She sounded more positive.

Dear Jane,

Thanks God you arrive safe.
since I knew you, I was sure in your beleif in the human being rights.
I do not mind at all if you want to forward my mail to any American I
try to have as much pictures as I can. Today was the South night
people wonder if something will reamin from our country to be Bombard.
People sleep at the Sanaeh Garden , all the schools are full in all
even in the Christian Area Kesrwan and Chouf (Druze Areas) besides some
people stay at their relatives sometimes you can find 10 families in a
We do need all kind of Help Yesterday they hit 2 big Ambulances of Red
guess u had seen the pictures, 45% of injured Kids means less than
We do need medecins, food, Water .....
Some people left their houses without even taking their papers and the
houses are completely destroyed means on the level of the earth.
If we look to the faces in Beirut you can read clearly their feelings.
Today Condelissa Rice arrived to Beiut met PM Sanyoura and Berry and
be meeting the 14 Forces, we hear that it had been prepared since long
this war, the true aim is Lebanon not Hizbollah, Actually the strength
Hizbollah still the same who lose is the Civilians in everything.
Besides People who were against Hizbollah in Lebanon or see politics in
different way now they are united with Hizbollah 100% everybody is
that the aim isn't these 2 Israeli Soldiers.
Yestreday the responsable of the United Nations visits the Suburb
couldn't beleive what he had seen said I do admit it is against
International Law of Human Being.
At the end despite everything we do love our country despite war all
Lebanese aren't afraid from death they said some of them they gonna
kill us
we're not afraid we'll stay home in the South especially.
We invite all responsable in International Red Cross and NGO of the
world to
come and all People fighting for Human rights to come and see how they
destroyed our country.
Jano intend to stay but not sure we feel very tired 12 days day and
aeroplanes bombarding , killing, distroying, by the way 5 factories
yesterday in Bealbak, 270 houses needs reparation 50 complety
The war lead to more terrorism and phanatism today everyBody is busy
to know hwo is alive which house had been destryed, but the big SOCIAL
problem will be whem all this stop.
Pray for us maybe God might help more than evrything on this earth.

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