July 28, 2006

Is it coming now?

The last American and Canadian boats are leaving Friday. Is it coming now???

The U.S. is not backing up the U.N. and the rest of the world calling for a ceasefire. They keep saying it will be a ceasefire that won't work, that Israel won't have solved its Hizbolla problem. If Israel wants to finish with Hizbolla for good, then this is going to be a long, disgusting war.

There is no finishing Hizbolla. They are just getting stronger. If they want to protect their border and occupy South Lebanon with an international peace-keeping force, then this thing can end in a more timely and reasonable fashion.

But calling for the end of Hizballa is scary, because Israel and everyone else knows that that's not going to happen.

I have to be optimistic. I have to be in denial. I can't think about what Israel is going to do now to Lebanon, now that the foreigners have been evacuated.

My friends have been moving around a little the past couple days, visiting each other. Except for my friend stuck in Rashaya. Now, it's just boredom. They're not working; just watching TV. They're concerned about stuff running out, mostly fuel, not food so much. Druze people and those who live in villages in the mountain can and store everything. Most families can go for months with stuff in their storehouses.

One of my Lebanese friends who wasn't in Lebanon when it started e-mailed me saying that this will be done in a month or so, and that I won't have any problems getting that tourist visa, and we'll see each other soon enough.

"A month?? Are you being serious? Or are you employing that old Lebanese survival tactic called denial."

His response: "DENIAL."


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