July 20, 2006

For my own safety

I will not come anywhere near a computer until I am in Cyprus.

This blog will be going strong, though. Keep spreading the word. My sister is in charge of posting and checking my e-mail. So keep doing what you're doing.

Diana, Dilek, Christine, and my mom will assign who are the trustworthy volunteers who will keep in touch with my Lebanese friends. They will e-mail Diana who will post direct quotes from my friends in Lebanon. Diana will post blogs from my mom who will be the only person calling me. So as not to tie up my line or have my cell phone battery run out. It's my life line now.

Thanks so much. I really feel like this can make a difference. Esraa yesterday felt so much better that someone heard her story. I'm thinking of all my friends who are stuck in Lebanon. HOepfully you will start getting posts with direct quotes from them soon. All names will be changes. Locations will be kept general. For everyone's safety.

God is with me. Jesus told me a long time ago that I will never be alone. And as Nate has said, There is no safer place to be than at the center of God's will. Actually Corrie Ten Boom said it. Even PHillipians 4 which everyone sees when they log onto my blog has been my verse since I started that blog 2 years ago, I dont' remember exactly.

God is good. Please put your faith in him. If you want to help me and everybody, pray. God can move mountains with prayer.

Okay mom please don't freak out. But I have to do this.

I would like Ming and Mako to give a joint euology at my funeral.
I would like Andy Crouch and Viriginia Ward to lead the worship, wth the ALC band. There has to be good long awesome worship.
I want Solita to sing His Eye is on the Sparrow, if she can.
And a very logn time where people can share about me, and get to know each other.
I have often felt one good thing I do in life is bring people together.
Have a week long party and all get to know each other, and become a family and take care of each other. Like what the church does and is supposed to do.

I have felt God's love through all of you. God heap his blessings on you.

I will sleep now. And e-mail you in Cyprus.


Anonymous said...

You are crazy talking about your funeral. You really need to go to sleep. Mom is not going to like that...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Rubio, this is Gigi, our crazt CRLS high school AP US History student.

It wasn't until I got your mas e-mail did I realize someone I knew was actually in those places I saw on CNN. I'm glad you'd be heading for Cyprus, but sad for those who want to but couldn't.

Stay safe! Yi Fei and me both miss you!