July 24, 2006

Responding to Comments--Losing that Optimism

Thanks for the clarification, classmate. The form letter to your Senator called for sanctions against Israel.

By the way, I'm cutting and pasting a lot of stuff in my e-mail that I'm not even fully reading. But I did read that. And honestly I haven't even really considered the sanctions against Israel thing. I have no comment to that whatsoever.

A land invasion will be a mess for Israel. It would be a reapeat of their "Vietnam" when they invaded Lebanon in 1982. The Israelis don't want anything to do with land combat. They're trying to keep it to the air. And they're pretty precise with their air weapons. They know what they're hitting.

But you're right. What can they do now?? Things are in motion now. Now everyone's trying to protect themselvs and save face.

My God, it just seems more and more desparate. I have to keep the optimisim. I have to. I have to give my friends an optimistic scenario when I talk to them. This isn't about stupid academic analysis. We all know. Lebanon is going to be hell for a long time. It's that reality that's sinking in. And really any ranting on this stupid blog isn't going to change anything.

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