July 21, 2006

The Shia are everywhere--Israel has carte blance for all of Lebanon

They walked into AUB and were like, "Hmm. Should we call our (European) embassy and get out?" A brother and sister. The sister was like, "I'm not leavign. My family is here. I'm not leaving Lebanon to be destroyed by Israel. My mom's not leaving either."

"So you're protesting by staying. You think they carry about your life. That your protest is going to stop anything."

"My family is here. I have to stay." Of course, that's an argument that is more than valid and can't be argued with.

But the brother was like. . ."What do I do?"

"Go to your embassy right now," I'm bossign him around, like the high school teacher that I am. "Get your family to call anyone with wasta to make sure you're on the next boat. . . Do you have your passport on you?"

And we talked so more. And I was like, "Allah ma3ak." And it was a very heartfelt interaction. They knew that I'm going out with the Americans.

Last night, I was walking in Hamra with a Lebanese friend. We ran into these kids. I stopped to talk to them. But my friend walked away, and waited a couple feet away, sort of looking away.

I was lookign at him, like Come here, say hi to these guys, I know them. I mean you're being kind of rude.

And I was like What idd you decide. The boy is definatly trying to leave.

And then we were saying what we think is going to happen. They were saying how Hizbollah was stronger than eveyrone thinks. They've got crazy, new weapons no one has seen. Isreal can't just end them in a week. It will take much longer. Israelis know this and are scaerd. Everybody knows they can get Tel Aviv right now. But they have these special hidden weapons that Iserarel cna't detect. (Israle has a right to defend herself.)

"Already we're winning. The Israelis are getting pushed back from the South. They've blown up planes [and other stuff but I don't remember what he said."

"We?" I was honestly confused. And had that Jane-is-confused look. You all know this look.

"The Lebnese," h said quickly. And then continued the conversation.

We said Allah Ma3ek again in the most friendly sweet way. And I pray they go out with their Embassy.

By the way I heard the Dutch embassy abandoned ship on Thrusdya maybe and left all their people here.

So I went bakc to my friend and he was like, "Those Hizbullah fuckers." He's DRuze.

And I was like, OOOOOOHHHHHHH. Am I so dumb?? I mean, they're with Hizboallah. I guess they're Shia.

And then it just hit me. The Shia are everywhere, which equals to Isrel, Hizballah are everywhere. And it's true. Not even the sacred AUB is safe. I've been told to keep whsipering since I've been in the dorm becasue there are Hizbollah around.

Yesterday, I made instant friends with a Shia girl from the South--Hizbollah-land. She's so sweet and cute, and wrote her story on the blog. Damn, am I comproming her safety? But there are so just many Shia. It doens't matter. Anywhere could be a potiential Hizbollah headquarters. Anyone I talk to could be Hizboollah. That's why the Israelis are so freaked out. That's why this thing isn't going to blow over. This could be another excuse for the Americnas to occupy.

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