July 18, 2006

Made it to the American University


Jane is without internet access for the time being and asked me to put up a post for her. I just got of the phone with her; we could only talk briefly before my cell phone ran out of minutes (its very expensive to call Beirut).

She made it to the American University in Beirut without incident from her home in 15 minutes. She is scheduled to get on a boat to Cyprus early tomorrow, and will be staying this evening in a dorm room at the university.

Jane is hopfully safe, and next time we hear from her she will be in Cyprus.



Anonymous said...

Thank-god you are safe Jane!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear this news. Steven- please keep us updated if possible when you have new info-


Anonymous said...

I am really happy to hear this... I'm sure we will hear from you soon

pensamos mucho en ti estos dias. te queremos mucho... tus primos

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. Steven, thank you for letting us know and I look forward to hearing that Jane made it to Cyprus.

Kate Griffin

Sergio I. Prado said...

Please please keep us inform Steven.


Anonymous said...

Janie we are keeping you in our prayers. Love Gilmore's in Katy