July 20, 2006

My talk with CNN

Did the boat go out yesterday? I've heard rumors. But it's not like you're going to know. I have to find out from here.

Because now I know CNN and all outside media is crap. The pictures probably aren't even Beirut. They get them from Hollywood.

I talked to Jill Chappell from CNN yestreday mronign. She's in D.C. And I was yelling at her for CNN coverage and hwo I think the media is compromising our safety by announcing the times when the ships are taking off. But then she was like, becaue of our coverage, you don't have to pay. So I thanked her for that.

And then I said, "How many people do you have here? I know Anderson Cooper is in Cyprus."

"About 2 crews."

"What? 10 people?"

"I don't know."

And then it hit me. So wait a minute. If I get stuck here, and Israel takes out all the phone towers and phone lines, I can get to you or BBC or whoever and send a message to my mom.


And then I went off about a bunch of stuff. It wasn't an interview. She was abuot to go to her meeting (where they make up the stories and find the images they're goign to put on TV.) And she said she'd call me back.

She didn't call back. She doesn't want to know what I think.

Yesterday, I was talking to Caroline. And Fox news called. She said, "Do you want to talk to the media?" (I didnt' know it was Fox.)


"I have an American who's lived here for two years who scheduled to go out tomorrow."

No, he was looking for an American who was planning on staying. She's Australian/lebanese and planning on staying. But he/she didn't care to do an interview with her.

Now obviously I'm not offended the guy didn't want to talk to me. There are plenty of people to talk to.

But the point is, he already had the story written, he was just looking for quotes, to fill in the blanks.


Anonymous said...

You have anger management issues. Stop blaming everyone. There are thousands of people that need to be evacuated. And why should it be the job of the US to pay for you to be evacuated when you've been told for years NOT to go over there? How is that fair for me, an American, to pay for your negligence to advisory warnings? Gosh, I should just go in all the dangerous zones and expect the US to come to my rescue...and pay thousands of dollars to do so!
Be glad an evacuation process is in the works AND that it's being covered on the media at all!! You might want to try and be a little more grateful for the means God has given you, not to mention a little humilty.

You can be angry and have a voice, but it's your method of delivery that needs some work. Breathe. It's bad, I know. And it's going to get worse. So work with the media, the military and others-- and help inspire those around you to do the same. Leaders are solely needed in these situations, and you've got all the right strenghts-- but your tirade's aren't helping.

Anonymous said...

Jane, I want to hear your story. I work for a national news show that isn't making this up. We broadcast to classrooms, and your experience as a teacher and your first-had account of this crisis is something we truly respect. I'll contact you via your yahoo account with more info from our assignment desk.

Be safe, and I hope to talk with you soon...

Your former classmate,
Stephanie Smith
Channel One News

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

This is Jill from CNN. Sorry you got something different from our conversation. I was very taken with your story and shared the whole thing with everyone in our meeting. Your words were heard.

I've emailed you since and hope that you return safe and sound.

By the way, our images are all real. Our reporters go through war training before being sent out to war zones like that. We take this very seriously and try to get as many images out to our viewers as possible.

Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me!


Anonymous said...

Update: As of July 24th CNN has posted more than 100 personnel to the region, including nearly two dozen CNN anchors and correspondents.