July 19, 2006

Life is so ironic

I need to be sleeping right now. I'm at the dorm, waiting to be notified at any moment that a bus is going to come and take me to a boat. Officially, it's supposed to go tomorrow, but at any time they can call. So I have to be ready, and can't leave the dorm.

And I have a million calls to make. I'm telling people they have to pull strings. Get anyone you to know to call anyone who might have wasta (connections) to get on that list.

I asked, "I don't want to push my luck, but I have two other American friends. . . and she was like "Sorry, Jane. I'm really sorry. The list has gotten too long." I know. What a horrible position to have to be in.

But talk about the ironies in all this. I go to the AUB office and I see Widad. The last time I talked to her, I told her off at the AUB Folk Dance Festival, about the way she was running it. I was really rude, and my friend, Nabila, also got into it with her. And we sort of didn't talk to them after, like participate in the Thank You dinner becaues we had experienced so many bad interactions with them.

And now look. It's like she's in charge of Student Affairs and now my life is in her hands.

And the exact same thing happened to someone else I know. An unnamed person who has been consistently rude, mean, and practically inhumane to this other person he can't stand is now able to have good wasta with people in the U.S. Enough wasta that she probably could have gotten his name on the list, too. But a couple days ago, when she needed help from him, he said, "She's not our responsiblity. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself." And I walked away fuming. About to tell him off. But it wouldn't have done any good.

How ironic. Now he should be begging her to use her Washington connections to get him out.

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