July 23, 2006

Pictures of the Dahiye

Before, I thought I was going to freak out when I saw the pictures and footage of the Dahiye (southern suburbs of Beirut). I go through the Dahiye on average of twice a week. My bus from Aley goes through there to get to Cola.

But now that I'm back and surfing the Net and flipped through magazines, I've seen the pictures. But I can't really make out where exactly they are. Or maybe it's just that a picture is so small, like it's framed, so I don't get a sense of the space. It's not doing anything to me.

Maybe if I saw a panaroma like a video, it would hit me. I don't know.

When I saw those bombs, Monday night, I was freaking out. But it wasn't because I thought they would hit me in Aley. It was because I knew they were demolishing the Dahiye. All those bombs I heard, very loudly, when I was at the AUB campus, were of the Dahiye. And they haven't completed the destruction yet.

My friend's house in Haret Hreik is destroyed.

Four of his little cousins died in the Bekaa on Thursday. The house fell on top of them after the Israelis bombed it.

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