July 14, 2006

The Bombs Woke Them Up

But somehow they didn't wake me up. While my friends were watching bombs and smoke, I was sleeping peacefully.

"Miss, you didn't hear that at 3 in the morning."

"They blew up the bridge right next to my house in Sawfar. Not the one to Aley (that's why he came to my SAT Prep class today) but the one to Damascas."

"It shook the windows."

"I had to use earplugs to sleep."

In Ein Al Rammane, close to the southern suburbs of Beirut, my friend said she heard the planes flying low all night. She heard the kids in the building next door, crying. They heard the Israelis bombing houses and bridges. She gets hysterical at times. I couldn't even make out everything she said to me on the phone this morning.

She was in Beirut during the 15-year civil war. It brings back bad memories.

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