August 8, 2006

The UN draft resolution

The Arab League is coming to New York. I'll try to go by the UN building tomorrow. I'm not NYC now.

They're not accepting the UN draft resolution, and all thse Americans are going to say the same thing that they say about the Palestinians and Yassar Arafat. That the world tries to make peace deals, but these Arabs are too primitive or too proud to accept them.

The UN Draft Resolution is BULLSHIT!

Of course, you don't hear these details on CNN. But I got them from BBC.

Israel can keep troops in Lebanon. Israel has to stop "offensive" fire, but can do whatever it wants to defend itself. Lebanon has to give back all the prisoners. Lebanon, however, does not have the right to defend itself. And they will discuss "options" for returning Lebanese prisoners.

And the whole world was always criticizing Yassar Arafat for not accepting these kinds of BS peace plans.

Believe me. You wouldn't accept it. No one would.

So what kind of stupid deals are the UN going to propose--that only favor Israel.

I thought CNN was getting better with their coverage, at least showing bad stuff in Lebanon. Although the bombs and victims in Israel always come first. But then they got one of their guys to spend 48 hours with Israeli troops, and while the viewer is "in the trenches" with this guy, Hizbollah becomes this even scarier enemy. Those scary, sneaky terrorists. The "other."

Please. Both sides are disgusting. All the people making war are bad. So why is it okay to demonize one side? They are both legitimately defending themselves.

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