August 26, 2006


Having had to suddenly leave Lebanon, war-torn, and ruined. Which is now beginning to rebuild itself.

To come to Houston, Texas, that's received 150,000 Katrina refugeess, some of whom I've met, these past couple weeks that I've been here.

At the one year anniversary.

Now, all of a sudden, Katrina seems to matter.

Do you think Spike Lee would go to southern Lebanon and make a documentary?

Well, maybe he isn't the one to do it. Four hours is too long for anything. Nothing should be that long.

But the people here in Houston, the Red Cross and the churches, have experience dealing with this situation. Maybe some of that expertise could be applied to Lebanon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is always hard to see people struggle after they have lost a lot of their sources of stability in life... this is something that people on both sides of the Lebanese/Israel war could relate to... the idea of loss and then starting over again... ultimately, though, things need to get better for everyone.