January 24, 2007

Thanks Chavez!!!

Gracias Chavez

Originally uploaded by Jane Rubio.
Touring the destruction of the Dahiye (the southern suburbs of Beirut), I came across this amusment.

Yeah, Chavez, You're # 1!!!

But wait? What did Chavez (the Venezuelan president) do?? He kicked out the Israeli embassy during the war, and went around to Syria and Iran talking to Assad and Ahmadinejad in his little military outfit, styling himself like Castro.

Oh wait, and that's what he's doing now. After "winning" the recent elections in Venezuela, he is nationalizing all the major industries. The stock market dropped about 20% in the first 5 minutes.

On the Al Manar News station, which is run by Hizbolla, they praised Chavez, and then showed Ahmadinejad going to Venezuela to show his support for Chavez. Support being money--Iranian oil money. But Venezuela has oil money. Who's going to invest in Venezuela? With their Socialist president and "terrorist" friends?

The situation looks so bleak for Venezuela and Lebanon. There will be no foreign investment in these countries. There is no future for these people.

The poor people in these places think that their oil-rich sponsors (Chavez and Ahmadinejad) will provide them with money and jobs. Iranian-supported Hezbolla pays women $100 for covering with the hijab. They give public assistance. Chavez has provided free health care and universities for people who dropped out of school. That's fine. Someone needs to take care of the people. But if the economy is shot, life becomes hell for everybody.

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