January 29, 2007

It's coming

I didn't want to write this post. I composed it yesterday in the shower.

Lebanon will see a new civil war. No one is really saying it. We're even trying to ignore the news and such. But you can feel the fear. There are tears in people's eyes. We're backing up our harddrives.

It's that weird denial I saw last summer during the war, or actually for the 2 years I lived here before the war about that 15 year civil war. It's like no one wants to talk about it.

Yesterday, three cars were burnt. They arrested the snipers that they showed on Al-Manar TV.

Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbollah, keeps saying that anyone who shoots a Lebanese, whether they be Shia, Sunni, Christian, or Druze, is an enemy. Our only enemy is Israel.

And now they're dropping balloons. I saw on the TV lime green and pink balloons with Hebrew writing on them. They're being dropped out of planes and are filled with chemicals. They showed the people in the hospital yesterday who touched these balloons.

What is this? Israel wants to start war again. . .now. People were saying they would wait until the summer. Others were saying it's a conspiracy to frame Israel.

Here--everything is a conspiracy theory.

I'm reading a book called Middle East Conflicts. It's a history of the modern Middle East. So why that crappy name? But as I read it, my heart just sank. We're falling into War.

But maybe not. The army is still holding. I also had this realization last week. It's all about the army. So far they're holding down the fort. But as soon as they break down into their sectarian tribes--all is lost. That's what happened in 1975.

Here's Robert Fisk's article.

It confirmed everything I was thinking. Don't think I just copied him, okay? It really was everything I was thinking. But I didn't want to write this post. I just want to ignore the news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone would rather there be peace than war; it is only natural. It is only natural to hold onto what peace of mind is left by denying the possibility of war--civil or otherwise.

But I say always have a back up plan, in case you are right in thinking there may be civil war for long time to come. Hopefully not.

Hopefully, somehow, God will bring peace into the hearts of all.

Best to you, Jane.