January 9, 2007

God knows

At the Muzahira
Originally uploaded by Jane Rubio.

This is at a PSP (Druze party) rally in Aley last month. They are showing their support for government.

For the past three weeks, Hizbollah members have been camped out in Downtown. They want the current government to step down.
All the shops and businesses have been closed. They are strangling the economy. Hizbollah pays the people $20 a day, and gives them all their meals.

Everyone has been saying after the Armenian Christmas, which was on Sunday, Hizbollah will start to escalate things. Because they look stupid, camping out, not accomplishing anything. They said they will have a general strike. Today, they started in front of the Ministry of Finance.

The Lebanese fortune teller, Michel Heik, said that Lebanese kids would not finish school this year here.

Some of the students are already getting ready to leave.

But who knows, God knows. That's what everyone says all the time. You can't make prediction. "Allah bea3rf."

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