September 22, 2006

Demonstration today

I was going to have my friends in Aley come to my new apartment in Beirut for dinner tonight. But yesterday, they all bailed because Hizballah is having a big demonstration. It might be Hassan Nasrallah's first public appearance since the War. For some reason, people at the school haven't been saying anything, but when I went to Aley yesterday and talked to them on the phone, they are all very concerned.

I went to downtown the other day for a tour the school put on for the new hires. They have a lot of signs that basically diss Israel. And a lot of pictures of carnage and destruction. On the main clock tower, in the center of Place d'Etoile, Saha Nijme, Star Plaza, they have long black banners that hang down with pictures of child casualties that say "Jetfighters against Children". I'll post the pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

good to finally hear from you (and to hear that you were on an email fast)... guess this means you're definitely not coming to my housewarming party in two weeks, huh?

Anonymous said...

Are you still going to keep updating this blog?

Hope all is well,

Anonymous said...

Where is Jane?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,

Glad to hear that your settle in.
I wish you the best in the work you do as unto you and not as unto man.

It is sad to hear about casualties of war or any conflict but, it happens even to the innocent on both sides, physical,mental or other wise. Lebennon and Israel both have tradegy and in this mess that still goes on brother against brother as it has been since Abraham took Sarah's advice and sleep with their maidservant and brought about an Ishmael, this conflict has been on going. God said he would bless both brothers and he did, he is faithful, but in turn for his love, mercy, grace and faithfulness man on both sides allowed the common enemy to get between them and put one against the other. Same enemy doing using the same tatics since the beginning of time. We must act as God would have us to do, pray and be watchful and love as he would. It can be done with his help, it is the only way it can be done. We as humans always think we know it, have it all and can do it all without consequences or the thought of them, this conflict and others proves that.

Stay blessed and remember "On Christ, The Solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand!"


Anonymous said...

yo rubio
wat's up??
it's gina..remember..u taught me physhcology??
omg..i can't believe i found u...i was looking up aley,and found ur'm stuck in sucks..anyways..if u wanna message me back,my email is

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane.

You sound good. Keep your chin up.
