February 15, 2010


1)Dump a package of lentils (any color or type) into a big pot. Sort through them looking for rocks.  Don't be lazy! You should find at least one.

2) Fill the pot with water covering the lentils, mix it with your hand, and then rinse out the water. Repeat twice.

3) Fill the pot with water. Put it on the stove and set the burner on high.

4) Cut up a whole onion, some garlic, carrots, and celery. Chop them big or small, according to your preference. They will be very soft and mushy at the end.

5) Let the lentils come to a boil. Keep sloughing off the nasty foam that forms on the top.

6) When it stops making that foam, throw in the chopped vegetables.

7) After about 20 minutes, the lentils should be soft. Add white vinegar and soy sauce. Add water to keep them watery, or stop adding water if you don't want it soupy. Make it as liquidy as you like.

8) Add a lot of cumin, a good amount of curry powder, some chili powder, some black pepper, and some cinnamon.  Add spicy peppers and chili. Again, the amounts are to your taste. Raisins are great, as well as dried cranberries.

9) Try it to see if the salt is right, if not, add vinegar, soy sauce, or salt.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this, can't wait to try it.

Robinn said...

Sounds yummy,
