August 9, 2004

High School Reunion

Originally uploaded by Jane Rubio.

This weekend was the 10th year reunion of James E. Taylor High School. On Friday, I picked up Denise from the airport. Denise was my best friend growing up. She lives in Taiwan, and I haven´t seen in her in at least two years. Shilpen also flew in. I´ve known Shilpen since I was 6, I think. We went to the same daycare.

So how was the reunion? Of course, it´s a surreal experience. But I at least had some experience with that from the year before, at my college 5th year reunion. A lot of my friends from high school didn´t come. I still knew it would be worth it for the people I haven´t kept in touch with or haven´t even thought about. People were chill and cool, and it seemed that everyone had a great time. You can check out the photos at

Brian Horton and I managed to put together a booklet of Craig's writings to distribute. We posted it on line. You can go to for the link. It's a project that has been on my mind for the last six years. A lot of people came up to me and told me that they really appreciated it. I hope people e-mail me with feedback.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane, Reunion was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed catching up with you and the rest of the gang...well atleast the gang that showed up. The people who didn't show up were as you described LAME!

The best part was catching up with all the randoms who I hadn't heard nothing about for 10 years. I already looking forward to the next one to see where everyone is. I am so glad you dragged me to the event!
