January 4, 2009

Responding to some comments

Wally asked, "please let us have your opinion as to why Hamas chooses the most populated areas from which to launch their rockets?"

Matt said I don't need to defend Hamas.

So somehow the media is so genius that straight-up carnage is shown on television. Raw #'s 430 Palestinian, 4 Israelis dead. And yet they talk their way out of the reality.

Self-defense against Hamas terrorism. People shouldn't have to live with the constant threat of rockets.

No, no one should live with the constant threat of rockets.

And no one should have to live with no electricity, no medicine, now no food, no freedom of movement, no ability to work, no way to pursue any kind of future, constant surveillance, constant humiliation, illegal occupation, and NOW this kind of bombardment. This is the worst kind of terror. You can see it with your own eyes.

And yet, it gets spinned. Don't empathize with the Palestinians. Empathize with the Israelis. How does this happen?

1) Israelis are Americans. Arabs are not Americans.

2) Palestinians are terrorists. The media and Israelis keep saying the target is Hamas. Hamas is a bad government. Hamas is terrorists. But Hamas is the democratically elected government of a people who are contending with a peace process that has done nothing for them. Gaza is the area of Detroit. Everyone is related to someone or knows someone in Hamas. To some extent there are weapons anywhere, and most of the people would have no idea.

Israel can say they are going after military, terrorist, Hamas targets. But when you ask them what it is. It's the whole of Gaza. Those guys in New York told me that the women are terrorists, and those "children" want them dead. So therefore Israel doesn't have to answer for the numbers of 80 children and 30 women dead. Though the rest of the world would define them as civilians (though of course women can be whatever).

The only way this works is to make a distinction between Hamas and Palestinians. The Israeli/U.S. defenders of these atrocities say that they're targeting Hamas, not Palestinians. But if you really ask them, to them it is all the same. Or in reality, there is no way to make the distinction.

Everyone who asks me to empathize with an Israeli living with the threat of rockets must be able to empathize with a Palestinian living under illegal Israeli occupation.

Neither is right. I'm not justifying Hamas. But I'll justify the right of a Palestinian to live as a human being. Anyone who looks at the TV and keeps empathizing for those people who live where 4 people died, and at the same time refuses to empathize with the people who have to live where 400 have died has no moral ground to stand on.

The cease-fire calls for everyone to stop.


Wally Hubbard said...

Jane, as President Reagan
used to say, "Here we go

Try to follow me on this; you OPEN
with "Wally asked, 'please
let us have your opinion as
to why Hamas chooses the most
populated areas from which to
launch their rockets?'"

Then, you not only still don't
address the question, but
devote the next 11 paras
questioning my right to ask

Okay, no questions then.. let's
just agree on the following

1. Hamas' charter calls for
the destruction of the State
of Israel.

2. In an effort to accomplish
this, Hamas launches
continued unprovoked rocket
attacks into Israel, using
the civilians who elected
them as shields against

3. Israel has now retaliated,
inflicting far more damage on
Hamas and the Palestinians
than Hamas inflicted on them.

Now, let's close by fully
agreeing on your closing
statement as well, "The cease-fire
calls for everyone to stop,"
and add that the world
community should take
whatever action is necessary
to INSURE that NEITHER side
breaks it.

Agreement at last, Jane. (Ain't it


Janer said...

Hamas's rocket attacks into Israel are anything but "unprovoked."

Wally Hubbard said...

Enough obfuscation, Jane.

Do you aree with Hamas that the state of Israel should be destroyed?
